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Flatiron Hot! News | February 22, 2025

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Flatiron Hot! News Flash: Free Tech Classes for the Flatiron District & Chelsea!

Summer Learning in the Flatiron District
Tod Shapiro

By the NYCSCC Flatiron Hot! News Editorial Staff

The Flatiron District will be home to free classes for the public on a range of technology-related subjects this summer. These classes will be offered at the Flatiron Public Plaza South, along Broadway between 22nd and 23rd Streets. Pre-registration is required. There will be three free tech sessions, including Intro to the NYC Startup Community, The Art of the Pitch, and Intro to Google Analytics. These classes will benefit the community as a whole including entrepreneurs, small business owners, NYC Seminar and Conference Center staff and many others. They are provided by collaboration between the Flatiron BID and General Assembly.

Free Classes - just of Madison Square ...

Here’s Where You Can Find your Free Seminars …

The first event, Intro to the NYC Startup Community, (click to enroll) will take place on Tuesday, July 30th from 6-7:30 p.m. The class will be led by Jordan Hepner, Head of Online Education at General Assembly, and will cover topics such as Tumblr, Foursquare, blogs, VCs, hot issues and more. This class will be geared towards newcomers to the startup scene and will address the basics of technology in NYC.

Area Firms Help Out ...

General Assembly and Flatiron 23rd Street Partnership Work Together

The second workshop, The Art of the Pitch, (click to enroll) will take place on the following Tuesday, August 6th from 6-7:30 pm. This class is focused on the world of business sales, including how to sell your product, how to start and run a business, and the process of sales from start to finish. Keith Cutler, Sr. who is the Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, LockerDome, will teach it and share his wealth of knowledge of the field.

GA pic four

The final installment of these free classes, Intro to Google Analytics, (click to enroll) will occur on Tuesday, August 13th from 6-7:30 p.m. This class will cover the overwhelming aspects of Google Analytics that may be limiting your website. With this session taught by Dustin Coates, Developer at General Assembly, you will be able to understand the data provided by Google Analytics.

We would like to thank our friends at Flatiron 23rd Street Partnership for bringing this great opportunity to our attention. In a world where little is free, we urge you to register today to learn about the growing world of technology. We hope you join some of our NYC Seminar and Conference Center staff as well as the editorial staff from FlatironHot! at one or more free classes.