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Flatiron Hot! News | March 31, 2025

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Shake Shack Shaking Up Burger List

Shake Shack Shaking Up Burger List
Flatironhot Contributor

By Louis Huneke

Madison Square Park’s favorite burger spot is now ranked number 1 with the most check-ins of any burger chain in the U.S. Famous. Known for long lines that stretch around 23rd Street at all hours of the day, the Shake Shack garnered 4.5 million check-ins in the U.S. in 2013, more than any other burger spot in the country.

The famous little shack began as a modest hot dog stand in 2001. In an effort to promote an art installation in Madison Square Park, the Union Square Hospitality Group (USHG) opened the Shake Shack. From the start, the cart was a big hit.

However, it was initially just a seasonal venture, opening only for the summer. In 2004, the USHG won the bid to open a permanent kiosk in the park. The Shack Shake is now a celebrated institution of the Flatiron community.

It has also set up shop in a variety of other locations, from the New York Mets’ home stadium of CitiField to the Saratoga race track in upstate New York. If you haven’t tried out Shake Shack yet, you don’t want to miss out. Good luck avoiding the lines.