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Flatiron Hot! News | March 31, 2025

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Flatiron District to Host Massive NBA All-Star Concert

Flatiron District to Host Massive NBA All-Star Concert
Eric Shapiro

On Thursday, February 12, the NBA will hold a promotional event for the upcoming NBA All Star weekend in the north section of Flatiron Pedestrian Plaza, adjacent to Madison Square Park. The NBA All-Star Weekend Concert, which will last 45 minutes and likely draw upward of 10,000 people, will feature pop star Rihanna. Setup will take 5 days, beginning on February 10th. Extensive street closures will accompany the setup, including but not limited to:

  • 5th Avenue and Broadway from 23rd Street at least to 26th Street (possibly further).
  • 24th and 25th Streets between Broadway and 6th Avenue.
  • 26th street from Madison to 6th Avenue.

Construction will include the use of forklifts and other heavy machinery and will take place 24 hours a day. Amenities currently located at the north side of the pedestrian plaza, including a CitiBike dock, 100 granite blocks, a pair of solar-powered charging stations and a number of trash receptacles will be moved to the south side of the plaza (which will also be closed) until the NBA event is over. Community Board 5, joined by local businesses and residents, has expressed concern about the scale of the event.