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Flatiron Hot! News | February 22, 2025

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Giant Snow Globe in Flatiron Plazas for New Showtime Comedy “HAPPYish”

Giant Snow Globe in Flatiron Plazas for New Showtime Comedy “HAPPYish”
Tod Shapiro

2015-04-23 11.17.49Reported by Tod Shapiro and the Flatiron Hot! News Editorial Staff

Just when when I think I’ve seen it all, the latest far-fetched promotion in the Flatiron South Plaza makes me think again!  Yes, it is a giant “Snow Globe” right in front of the Flatiron Building and Mad Square Park, making for some good photo ops and walk-by double-takes. (You know, like the small plastic ones filled with water that you got when you were a kid as a souvenir upon taking a trip to the big city–you shake it and the confetti rains down on a tiny plastic landmark piece – usually the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building.)  It’s yet another example of the Madison Avenue marketing whizzes doing their best to catch everybody’s attention for the latest and greatest product, service, doodad – or in this case, TV show. Showtime’s “HAPPYish” starts this Sunday at 9:30 PM, starring Steve Coogan and Kathryn Hahn. The show deals with an ad agency creative director and his quest to find a “happy place” in this world. Well, as Mad Men winds down, now we have “HAPPYish” getting started!

Following the latest trend of cable networks’ original programming, the comedy “HAPPYish,” due to debut on Showtime Network shortly, is encouraging passing Flatiron denizens to jump into the over-sized bubble and dance around while being showered with confetti as they are videotaped for use in some kind of over-the-internet promotion.  At 11 AM on Thursday, one could see a bunch of people lined up for their turns, and happily entering the bubble and jumping away.  Their prize – a miniature plastic snow bubble.  Needless to say, the image of the bubble against our Iconic Flatiron Building takes its place with all the others – need I mention the Tennis Court, Basketball Court, Giant Grocery Bag, and Walking and Talking Tomatoes and Carrots?  If you want to take your turn and get a free snow globe, show up today by 7 PM. For those who may have missed the fun, here is a quick Flatiron Hot! Video Clip.