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Flatiron Hot! News | February 22, 2025

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Paw it Forward: NY Jets’ Eric Decker Brings Pop-Up Pet Park to Flatiron

Paw it Forward: NY Jets’ Eric Decker Brings Pop-Up Pet Park to Flatiron
Eric Shapiro

New York City is full of owners and dogs looking for fun activities. Today, May 1st, they’re in luck. The pet food company Purina has teamed up with New York Jets wide receiver Eric Decker and his wife, country star Jessie James Decker, for a Paw it Forward initiative, establishing an interactive pop-up park in the Flatiron District. The event is intended to foster pet-owner bonding (May happens to be National Pet Month) and encourage attendees to assist pets in need. New Yorkers and their IMG_2448canine companions can pad their way over to Flatiron Pedestrian

Eric and Jamie Decker in Flatiron!

Eric and Jamie Decker in Flatiron!

Plaza and enjoy a number of fun activities and some free dog treats. They can even pose for pictures with Eric and Jessie Decker. The Deckers are no strangers to dogs or good causes; Decker’s Dogs, one of their foundation’s initiatives, trains service dogs for returning veterans. Attendees are invited to explore Paw it Forward’s mobile adoption unit, a truck full of canines (and even a few cats) seeking new homes. The dogs range in age from puppies to full grown. While you’re at it, use social media to help out man’s best friend. Paw it Forward explains:

“For every registered attendee or photo shared on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #PawitForward on May 1st, Purina will donate $1 to Deckers dogs, up to $5,000.”

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“For each video or photo uploaded to showing owners and their pets between April 22 and June 1 to the Petfinder Foundation up to the $30,000.”

For those who can’t make it, check out this Flatiron Hot! Video Clip to get a feel for the fun!

Reported by Eric Shapiro and the Flatiron Hot! News Editorial Staff