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Flatiron Hot! News | December 22, 2024

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Pampers Promotion on the Flatiron Public Plazas

Pampers Promotion on the Flatiron Public Plazas
Flatironhot Contributor

Reported by Ameena Makhdoomi and the Flatiron Hot! News Editorial Staff

Pampers just finished promoting their new diaper, the Pampers Cruisers, on the Flatiron Public Plazas today at 2pm. Their promotion included many activities for young children including a Fitness Play area, a blue carpet (instead of red), many Pampers Cruisers logos with the hashtag #sagtoswag on them, bouncy slides and toys, servers for drinks such as the applesauce pouch and water, as well as a demonstration for parents to show how durable the Cruisers diaper really is.

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The promotion was from 11am until 2pm and many families came by to play around and learn more about why the Cruisers are the best diaper for their baby. The promotion took place under a large white tent to keep the area cool during such a beautiful, hot day.


To learn more about the Pampers Cruisers, follow the #sagtoswag or go to their website.