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Flatiron Hot! News | February 22, 2025

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A Wednesday Evening at the Center for Jewish History: Panel Discussion on Jews in Comics & an Exhibit on Civil Rights!

A Wednesday Evening at the Center for Jewish History: Panel Discussion on Jews in Comics & an Exhibit on Civil Rights!
Tod Shapiro

Reported by the Flatiron Hot! News Editorial Staff

The Center for Jewish History, the invaluable repository of Jewish history and culture located not far from Flatiron, is always a fascinating destination on account of its special programs and interesting exhibits, so a trip to the West 16th Street venue on Wednesday night did not disappoint. The evening’s event, sponsored by the American Jewish Historical Society, was a spirited panel discussion on “Comics and the Jews”, covering the role and influence of Jewish creators in comics down through the years – comic strips, Mad Magazine, superheroes, undergrounds, and modern graphic novels.  Speakers included notable comics historians, editors and artists–Danny Fingeroth, Paul Levitz, Arie Kaplan and Paul Kupperburg among others–on hand to give insight and commentary, with an excellent series of slide shows and commentaries serving as backdrop to the interesting discussion taking place in CJH’s auditorium to the enlightenment of a crowd of comic-philes.  The speakers were on hand after the talk to meet personally with attendees and carry on the discussions in an intimate wine and cheese session right outside the auditorium.

And afterwards, a stroll right across the Great Hall revealed a truly remarkable exhibit, “Allied in the Fight: Jews, Blacks and the Struggle for Civil Rights, with original letters, pix, and other artifacts documenting the joint role of prominent Jewish leaders working in tandem and giving moral support to our most noted African American civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther King.  Let’s not forget the prominent role played by Jewish leaders, including the noted Abraham Joshua Heschel, who was at King’s side down south at some critical junctions – it’s all documented here with some original artifacts and excellent and compelling photography.  By all means, keep an eye out for more worthy endeavors by this key NYC cultural treasure!  If you want to get a taste of what its like, check out this quick Flatiron Hot! News Video Clip.