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Flatiron Hot! News | March 31, 2025

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Flatiron 23rd Street Partnership Hosts 2015 Celebration and Networking Event at 230 Fifth Rooftop Venue

Flatiron 23rd Street Partnership Hosts 2015 Celebration and Networking Event at 230 Fifth Rooftop Venue
Tod Shapiro

Reported by the Flatiron Hot! News Editorial Staff

The Flatiron 23rd Partnership, our own neighborhood BID that is responsible for so many of the improvements and amenities that have made the Flatiron District the hot, trendy, business-and-tech- friendly mecca it has come to be, held its annual celebration and networking event on Wednesday at 230 Fifth Avenue, on a wonderfully clear evening with fine food, drink, and stunning views of the New York skyline, and fittingly, right above Madison Square Park and the Flatiron Public Plazas!

2015-10-07 19.08.19As many of you no doubt know, the BID and its energetic staff, led by Executive Director Jennifer Brown, are responsible for administering a budget of almost $2 million a year funded by our tax dollars and contributions from worthy area businesses and citizens.  It is responsible for managing events, public programs and operations in the Flatiron Public Plazas, spearheading efforts to keep the district safe, clean and sparking, and heading up and implementing our district public Wi-Fi efforts, street beautification and plantings, and most importantly, the promotion of our neighborhood through both print and web-based efforts.  I hope many of our followers note that the BID’s newly updated web-site, instagram feed (FLATIRONNY) , and twitter accounts (@FlatironNY)  are a terrific source of news and useful public service information that benefit us all. Is everybody out there aware of the great deals and discounts available through local establishments in the District? If not, make sure you take a gander at this link!

Their annual event is a great chance to touch base with area business and civic leaders, fellow citizens, and the BID staff to see what the issues of the day are, and where our neighborhood is headed.  I had a chance to speak briefly with Jennifer Brown, and the current activity by city leaders concerning the proper use of the Public Plazas–our own, as well as the in-the-news Times Square Plazas–will be a topic that may impact our neighborhood greatly in the coming months. You can be sure that our BID will do its part to inform that debate, and we can expect to see more news on that shortly – make sure to check out their great news page to stay in the loop.  The BID will be responsible for implementing a permanent remodeling of the Flatiron Public Plazas, and as part of the planning process, our neighborhood, and all its stakeholders will have a chance to give comment, input and suggestions as part of a public process – stay tuned!

The evening itself was great fun, with drinks and good food and a great panoramic view of the city as a backdrop to the lively discussions.  Click here for a summary of the Event from the BID’s website – If you couldn’t make it the party, check out this Flatiron Hot! News quick video clip to get a feel for the evening.