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Flatiron Hot! News | February 22, 2025

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Bobby Flay Does Meet & Greet at Flatiron Time Warner Cable Location

Bobby Flay Does Meet & Greet at Flatiron Time Warner Cable Location
Tod Shapiro

Reported by the Flatiron Hot! News Editorial Staff

Bobby Flay made his expected appearance at Time Warner Cable’s sleek and high-tech Flatiron flagship store, and his fans were out in force.  This reporter stopped by on the way home from work a little after 6 PM as the foodie crowd was lining up to get two exceptional culinary treats, one edible and one more cerebral – but no less important.  Bobby’s book, “Brunch at Bobby’s,” was being handed out free of charge for all comers.  While I was waiting, a crowd ot TWC staffers were handing out banana bread, which I sampled as I waited – quite good!  Could it have been made by Bobby himself ?  The TIme Warner Cable store is the epitome of cutting-edge design, with screens, tablets, posters, and audio extolling the virtues of everything Time Warner Cable streams.  Bobby’s appearance was only one of many such events that have been held here and that we’ll see in the months to come.   I had a chance to speak briefly with Bobby, get my copy of his book personally signed, and ask him if he actually made the banana bread himself.  No answer, but a big smile.  Perhaps I’ll try baking it myself when I get home!   In the meantime, here’s a quick Flatiron Hot! video clip to to get a sense of the proceedings.