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Flatiron Hot! News | February 22, 2025

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Spring Tableaus: Habitat for Humanity Pedals in Flatiron Public Plazas; Mad Square Park Daffodils Rule!

Spring Tableaus: Habitat for Humanity Pedals in Flatiron Public Plazas; Mad Square Park Daffodils Rule!
Tod Shapiro

Reported by the Flatiron Hot! News Editorial Staff

A beautiful April day was a fitting backdrop for what is certain

Lots to see for sight-seeing tykes!

Lots to see for sight-seeing tykes!

to be the coming wave of over-the-top and eye-catching promotions and events that are sure to grace the Flatiron Public Plazas as spring

unfolds and summer beckons! Well-known non-profit Habitat for Humanity set up an intriguing Rube-Goldberg-esque contraption composed of multiple bicycles arranged in a circular fashion around a globe with a series of lighted cables; no doubt reflecting some kind of competition among those assembled to reach a worthy goal benefiting Habitat’s multitude of creative housing efforts the world over.  A group of enthusiastic Habitat staffers were encouraging Flatiron denizens to pedal away for the cause- and they were enthusiastically doing so to the cheers and encouragement of the many bystanders in the Flatiron Public Plazas.

A quick stroll across 5th Avenue to the friendly confines of Madison Square Park revealed the

Flowers in the Bloom in Mad Square Park!

Flowers in the Bloom in Mad Square Park!

intrepid efforts of the Madison Square Park Conservancy coming to full flower and fruition!  The Conservancy is emphasizing horticulture and flowers of every type so as to make Mad Square a leader in landscape architecture for public parks.   We can see their blooming efforts right now, as

some of our favorite Madison Square landmarks are framed by resplendent floral arrangements of stunning color. The Shake Shake looks particularly picturesque serving as a backdrop for some budding daffodils, while the Flatiron Building was highlighted by brilliant orange and yellow flowers, and a

group of toddlers were taking in a newly planted row of yellow flowers from the vantage

Get ready for Big Bling in Mad Square Park!

Get ready for Big Bling in Mad Square Park!

point of their 5-occupant strollers.  And hark, the Central Oval Lawn was showing signs of the upcoming installation of the next monumental public art sculpture to be unveiled in May, namely Martin Puryear’s opus “Big Bling“.

By all means, take a stroll to the Public Plazas and see what will come next; and wander across to the south end of the Plaza and see the colorful results of the flowers blooming.  If you can’t make it, check out this Flatiron Hot! News Quickie Video Clip.