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Flatiron Hot! News | February 22, 2025

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Hunt for the Yeti Snowmen Lands in Flatiron Public Plazas!

Hunt for the Yeti Snowmen Lands in Flatiron Public Plazas!
Tod Shapiro

Reported by Tod Shapiro for the Flatiron Hot! News

The timeless hunt for the Yeti “snowmen” of myth ended up in the Flatiron Pubic Plazas today, as the Travel Channel joined a host of other media companies in taking advantage of the prominence and foot-traffic of the crossroads of “Silicon Alley” to promote their “Expedition Unknown” show with Josh Gates. On Tuesday morning at 11 AM, on my way to the NYC Seminar Center offices, I came across two life-like Yetis

The Yettis Take Flatiron!

The Yettis Take Flatiron!

performing a meet and greet in the South Plaza, along with an impressive duo of ice sculptures celebrating the Yetis.People were lining up to have their pictures taken with the friendly snowmen, and taking the opportunity to chat with the “Expedition Unknown” crew.  I couldn’t resist – yours truly got into the act and had my chance to claim, truthfully, that I had eyeballed a Yeti! Get your pictures taken with the Yetis, post with the hashtag #huntfortheyeti and join the crew of “Expedition Unknown” in the never-ending search! Or, second hand, take a look at our Flatiron Hot! News Video Clip to see the Yetis.