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Flatiron Hot! News | February 22, 2025

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Mother-Daughter Team Brings Exercise Techniques to Flatiron and NYC with Hilliard Studio Method

Mother-Daughter Team Brings Exercise Techniques to Flatiron and NYC with Hilliard Studio Method
Tod Shapiro

Reported by Tod Shapiro for the Flatiron Hot! News

New York City remains the target for brands, products and services to break into the big time, and as the readers of this blog well know, our own Flatiron District and Chelsea neighborhoods, as well as our sponsor NYC Seminar and Conference Center, are often the epicenter and choice of venue for product introductions that play out for us in the most spectacular manner, appearing in “can you top this” fashion in front of our eyes in Mad Square Park, the Flatiron Public Plazas, or the many fine event venues in our neighborhood. Therefore, it was with some skepticism that I took the opportunity to cover for our Flatiron followers the NYC roll-out of the exercise and fitness business of the so-called “Hilliard Studio Method” (HSM), whose current home base is Charlotte, NC, and which offers its patrons a specially crafted program of exercise and fitness workouts (stretching, bending, calisthenics, etc.) as well as a potpourri of related media including a DVD, streaming videos, and a new book extolling the virtues of their method titled, appropriately enough, Be Powerful; Find Your Strength at Any Age!  

Liz and Clary explain it all for you!

Liz and Clary explain it all for you!

I had a chance to speak with the entrepreneurs and major creative forces behind this venture, and it took only a few short moments to see what was distinctive and unique about this particular product – namely the energetic, friendly mother-daughter team of Liz Hilliard and her daughter Clary Hilliard Gray.  Liz, age 62, has a background in traditional Pilates training, and had substantial experience as a personal trainer prior to building her current business.  Clary, age 34 and the mother of 2 young children, is a trainer and instructor herself and is a co-principal and a hands-on force within the business.

The HSM “Be Powerful” method was a result of Liz’s desire to create something that was more efficient and effective than standard Pilates-style workouts – her methods include incorporating resistance training into a “core-centered” workout.  Their approach, not surprisingly, also includes an emphasis on wellness, advising their patrons on avoiding sugar, eating real foods, and enjoying life in all respect.s  The two refer to their approach as “Pilates on Steroids.”   Their efforts to date have received mention in the national press in  Self Magazine and The Huffington Post, and have been featured in the Charlotte Observer, Charlotte Magazine, WBTV and Fox News, among other local news outlets.

And what contributed to getting their family business off the ground? Why, Liz had to come up with a program to get Clary in top-notch shape for her upcoming wedding, with no time to lose. Every business has to have it’s creation myth, and theirs makes perfect sense, as it led to their special “Hilliard Studio Method.” Liz and Clary greeted me warmly at the Crosby Street Hotel where they had set up shop with their marketing team, and immediately clued me in on their approach to fitness. Taking in their presentation was like watching a careful tag-team operation – they had a detailed presentation ready and waiting, with both explaining quite articulately their methods. Mother and daughter practically finished each other’s sentences, talking points and declarations, but without in the least stepping on or getting in the way of the other’s performance. Truly, only a mother-daughter team could be so in sync!  Anything I might have missed, which was little, was then filled in by their marketing staffers, who were also in attendance.

The Hilliard Studio Method combines a very energetic, aerobic and powerful series of exercises, completed in a reasonably short time frame (as little as 20 minutes) for the modern working person, but done in a way that combines careful personal attention to each person in the class, and critically, includes personalized safety and adjustment as well. Liz and Clary ran through the program specifics for me, demoing some of the exercises and stretching techniques, but then showed me – a recipient of two back operations – how they would modify my own stretching exercises to make sure that I did not overdo it. Both mother and daughter clearly practice their own approach, as they both are in excellent shape, and as tanned, toned and ripped as one would expect for leaders in this field. They have built a staff of over 30 instructors that teach at their successful flagship studio in Charlotte, NC, as well as second site in Davidson. Their focus is now to bring their plan to NYC and other places in the form of classes as well as a series of DVDs and streaming videos (as part of a new Video Subscription Service) for use at home, all at what to my jaundiced NYC eye are at very reasonable prices. Just right for us busy Flatiron denizens who have to get up and out early in the morning.

For those of you who might want to sample this latest approach to fitness training, but can’t make it to their NYC roll-out, check out this quick Flatiron Hot! News Video Clip to hear it directly from Liz and Clary – you certainly see some of that down-home, southern, mother-daughter savvy and spirit.  Liz and Clary plan on scheduling classes in NYC in the near future – check back on Flatiron Hot! News for additional info shortly!

Update:  Liz and Clary Fans, the dynamic duo just published on their streaming site a new video to help you keep in shape!  Called “Booty Sculpt”, the new video is aimed at helping users build up their glutes and surrounding muscles in the hips while at the same time strengthening their core.  The ten minute workout video showcases Liz and Clary’s energetic and friendly prompting to help you stay in shape, and have some fun at the same time.  Click  here for some more details about this latest effort, as well as information on their other products designed to enhance your strength and wellness!  And click here to see TV coverage of their latest video extravaganza. Go Liz and Clary!