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Flatiron Hot! News | March 31, 2025

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23 Days of Holiday Cheer Arrive in Flatiron with Unveiling of Flatiron Skyline Display!

23 Days of Holiday Cheer Arrive in Flatiron with Unveiling of Flatiron Skyline Display!
Tod Shapiro

Reported by Tod Shapiro for the Flatiron Hot! News

It’s that holiday time of year again, and for Flatiron District denizens as well as patrons of NYC Seminar and Conference Center that means the Flatiron 23rd Street Partnership’s “23 Days of Holiday Cheer” promotional campaign has arrived, and along with it, the funky display for the Public Plazas that we recently blogged about, namely the impressive “Flatiron Skyline” sculpture, which is a big part of the area holiday decorations. Monday evening, right in the Flatiron North Public Plaza with a good crowd on hand, I witnessed the BID’s team out in force welcoming in the holiday season, with the LOT design firm’s award winning techno-art sculpture serving as the backdrop for the kickoff, with hot chocolate, tasty treats, and a live band performing to give off some excellent holiday vibes! As in past years, the “23 Days of Flatiron Cheer” includes a whole series of activities and promotions throughout Flatiron, including a wheel of fortune featuring prizes and discounts from area vendors, as well as special deals for restaurants, party venues, and holiday celebrations over the coming 23 days.

I had a chance to inspect the Flatiron Skyline sculpture, if that’s what you can call it. It’s a series of connected tubular arches that covers a substantial section of the South Public Plaza bordering 23rd Street and 5th Avenue – you can’t miss it! It’s particularly impressive during the evenings or at dusk, where the arches are lit up by neon bulbs that run the length of the installation. Standing inside the sculpture, you can look through the arches, seeing a framed view of the very familiar and impressive skylines from the Public Plazas facing in any direction, with all of our favorite Flatiron landmarks, including the Flatiron Building, the Met Life and New York Life Towers, and the Empire State Building. Perfect for taking pictures and memorializing your holiday activities! The BID team had the arches decked out, with of all things, hammocks. It’s the perfect place to take a load off your feet, grab your camera, and snap some digital pix for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter with your buddies with the Flatiron landmarks as your backdrop as a holiday memento. This very tactile, open, and inviting exhibition serves as an ideal destination for Flatiron and Chelsea travelers as they go about their business to mark the holidays.

According to the BID team, there are plans afoot to deck out the inviting arches with all sorts of different artifacts as the 23 days progress, including LED screens and displays to highlight different aspects of the District and the season. The ever-popular “Wheel of Fortune” was in evidence with many area sightseers spinning for prizes as in past years, and a local band was using the north end of the Skyline sculpture as a backdrop for some catchy holiday tunes. Jennifer Brown of the Flatiron Partnership was in attendance to kick off the festivities and to review what we can expect with the 23 Days of Cheer to come, followed by the LOT team’s lead designer who gave some insight into their creative process for the installation.

By all means, stop by the Flatiron South Plaza to check it out – or take a look at our Flatiron Hot! News Quick Video Clip to see what it’s all about!