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Flatiron Hot! News | March 31, 2025

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Blues Band People vs. Larsen Kicks off Madison Square Park’s “Above Ground” Concert Series

Flatironhot Contributor

Reported by Max Shapiro

Madison Square Park‘s annual “Above Ground” series of concerts (which happen every Wednesday this summer from 12:30 to 1:30 PM) is meant to shed light on currently unknown artists. The first performance of the summer last Wednesday was by the band People vs. Larsen. Active since 2012, they are described as a “powerful, soulful, uplifting experience” and regarded as “one of the best blues bands on the indie scene.” I actually got the chance to talk to the band’s lead singer, Tom Larsen, and ask him a few questions.

“We started about 5 years ago here in New York,” he said when I asked about the band’s background. “We did a residency for many years, 5 or 6 years. […] We’ve released a couple of records: one is self-titled, People vs Larsen, the other is called Loving Losing, and it’s been played all over the place, all over the world.”

“Blues-based” is how Larson described most of the band’s music.  “Some of it is, some of it isn’t, but we try to be influenced by it. It’s the roots of all American music, you know. Everything comes from blues.”

To watch some of the band’s performance from last Wednesday, watch the video below. (Tomorrow’s Above Ground performance is by Natalie Gelman.)