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Flatiron Hot! News | March 6, 2025

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Launching Client Profiles – City of Refuge Ministries

Flatironhot Contributor

Reported for the Flatiron Hot! News by Jasmine Washington – Edited by the Flatiron Hot! News Editorial Staff

Often, we come across issues affecting the society we live in that may go unnoticed. The exploitation, abuse and sex trafficking of children are all too common around the world. Fortunately, there are organizations that are working to effect change. Our corporate sponsor, the NYC Seminar and Conference Center (NYCSCC) recently had the opportunity to host an event for the City of Refuge Ministries. In partnership with NYCSCC, we are proud to announce our new Client Profile feature. In our inaugural interview with CORM, we set out to showcase the organization’s mission to help children in Ghana who have been exploited, abused, abandoned, or involved in sex trafficking.

City of Refuge Ministries (CORM) was founded by Johnbull and Stacy Omorefe in 2006. The organization exists to provide holistic restoration for children who have been liberated from exploitation, abuse, or trafficking. They aim to prevent exploitation at its root by empowering individuals and communities to eradicate child slavery and achieve personal and community goals. Their goal is to also build upon four key factors: prevention, intervention, restoration, and education. I had the opportunity to interview Joel E. Davidson, a spokesperson for the organization, to learn more about CORM.

Here are some interesting comments from our discussion about the City of Refuge Ministries and their experience hosting their event at NYCSCC.

Why are economics and education major factors in why children are used as slaves in Ghana?

Economics and education are major factors because a lot of the parents are single mothers who aren’t educated or financially stable enough to provide for their children. So, they sell their children to fishermen and the mining industry to receive money back.

How have the ministry’s four keys: prevention, intervention, restoration, and education, improved the communities?

CORM has seen a lot of improvement with the 4 keys, but prevention still needs a lot more work. However, regarding intervention, we have partnered with police who go on the river and look for children out on boats to rescue them. Restoration is to bring hope and joy back into the children lives, through the CORM children’s village which is a safe place to help nurture them. Education is to help children who have been enslaved learn and be able to provide for themselves.

Are the children who are in Doryuma, Ghana at the children’s village progressing after being enslaved?

Yes, we have seen major improvement by the children at the village. There are kids who have graduated from high school and are now in college. We even see kids come in not knowing how to read, write, or speak English and now they do. There are programs to help moms find a career, start their own business.

Is there a possibility of getting Ghana’s government involved?

We reach out to the government but there are a lot of politics behind them not helping with the issue or our organization.

How can people help your ministry?

If you want to help the ministry, you can become a volunteer, donate money or medical equipment or advocate on our behalf.

What brought you to the Chelsea area?

I chose the Chelsea area because it is a central location for everything.

What did you like about hosting your event at the NYC Seminar & Conference Center?

I liked hosting our fundraiser at NYCSCC because the place was clean, with modern space, and everything was done correctly. The technology support, staff, and catering were great. The price was affordable and reasonable. I look forward to having other events here in the future.

For more information on City of Refuge Ministries and how you can help, visit their website at