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Flatiron Hot! News | March 29, 2025

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“Neon God” on Display at the Flatiron Prow

“Neon God” on Display at the Flatiron Prow
Flatironhot Contributor

Reported for the Flatiron Hot! News by Hannah Weinstein

Currently on display at the Flatiron prow is Neon God, created by Garret Kane. Stop by on your way back from lunch during a day at the NYC Seminar and Conference Center. Neon God is made from plastic, copper wire, resin, gold foil, and LED lights. According to Garret Kane’s artist page, the artwork personifies Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an “angelic savior.” The piece makes a statement that through the evolution of technology, humans have created sentience equal to or greater than God. When standing at the prow, Neon God looms over you and looks not at you, but over your head into the distance. Is he looking into the future? Is he looking at what’s to come? Only time will tell. Be sure to check out Neon God at night, when you can see the artwork come alive and beam gold. Neon God will be displayed through August. A special thank you to Cheryl McGinnis for continuing to curate artwork for the prow. 

Latest on display at the Flatiron Prow – “Neon God”