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Flatiron Hot! News | March 31, 2025

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Flatiron BID Sponsors Social Responsibility Forum for Area Businesses

Flatiron BID Sponsors Social Responsibility Forum for Area Businesses
Flatironhot Contributor

Reported by Jasmine Washington for the Flatiron Hot! News

NYCSCC’s marketing and event staff is always on the watch for useful information to help the company’s efforts to be a good corporate citizen, and do its share as part of the growing movement of area small business to be socially responsible.  Therefore, I was sent by senior management, along with my colleague Sarah St. Martin, to attend a wonderful seminar sponsored in part by our local BID, the Flatiron 23rd Street Partnership, that explored these very important issues.

On Wednesday, September 25, the Flatiron 23rd Street Partnership BID and Baruch College held a business assistance forum entitled Social Responsibility: Better for Business at Baruch College’s William and Anita Newman Conference Center. The forum started off with a networking breakfast sponsored by TD Bank and informational resources were provided by TD Bank, WEnyc, NYC Sanitation Department, NYC Small Business Services and The Flatiron BID.

Greetings were given by James Mettham, the Executive Director for The Flatiron 23rd Street Partnership BID, Dean Fenwick from Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business and NYC Small Business Services (SBS) Commissioner Gregg Bishop. The Fireside Chat: Business with a Purpose session was moderated by Jeff Simmons, the Co-host of Driving Forces on WBAI; guest speakers were Giovanna Grey Lockhart Sr., Director of The Wing and Seth Besmertnik, CEO & Founder of Conductor. It was followed by a panel discussion on Social Responsibility moderated by Gregg Bishop, Commissioner of NYC SBS; panelists included Lissa Shirley King of Hanky Panky, Deborah Koenighsberger of Noir et Blanc, Marjolion Westerbeek of Ritual Cosmetics and Field Failing of Fields Good Chicken. Concluding the business assistance forum was Lisa from NYC SBS. She discussed the importance of using the NYC SBS to help start your business and utilizing the resources they offer.

The Flatiron 23rd Street Partnership BID delivered yet another successful informative event for business owners and future entrepreneurs. Guests were reminded that all businesses should have a mission because their mission is the driving force behind the brand and keeping employees dedicated. There will be successful and unsuccessful moments during the process, but start small and work your way up. Remember to stay true to your values and everything else will follow!