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Flatiron Hot! News | February 22, 2025

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Flatiron BID Seeks to Expand; Holds Informational Session at NYC Seminar Center for Area Residents

Flatiron BID Seeks to Expand; Holds Informational Session at NYC Seminar Center for Area Residents
Flatironhot Contributor

Reported for the Flatiron Hot! News by Corey Shapiro and edited by the Flatiron Hot! News Editorial Staff

On October 10th, representatives from the Flatiron 23rd Street Partnership Business Investment District (“BID”) appeared at NYC Seminar and Conference Center’s Flatiron-Chelsea venue to hold a forum and public informational meeting about their plan to expand upon the BID’s current boundaries to include more streets and buildings on 6th Avenue as well as 20th, 29th and 30th Streets.  The BID’s Executive Director, James Mettham, was on hand to explain the proposed expansion with a summary talk and a PowerPoint presentation, and left some time at the end to take questions from the community.

Expansion Plans proposed for the BID

The Flatiron/23rd Street Partnership was formed as a “public-private” partnership in 2006 by property owners, businesses, residents and others with a stake in the Flatiron District; it is a duly constituted non-profit organization under relevant city law and has become a model BID in NYC and across the country.  It provides important services to the neighborhood related to sanitation, safety, homeless outreach, marketing, public improvements and district advocacy.  Its budget is funded by assessments on local property owners, and the revenue streams are dedicated sources of funding to provide local services in the district area that the regular city government often cannot provide, or does so at a level that the BID augments.

BID Staff gets ready to great local residents.

One of their well-known efforts is their district-wide Horticulture Program, where they build out tree pits and tree pit guards, install streetlamp hanging flower baskets and standing street planters, and plant seasonal flowers in them. And of course, as residents in the area well know, they also manage, under contract with the city and Department of Transportation, the Public Plazas bordering on 5th Avenue and 23rd Street immediately adjacent to the Flatiron Building, Madison Square Park and Worth Square, which have become a tremendous community resource.

Local residents hear about the expansion plans.

The BID is well underway in the process of proposing this new expansion plan and is now at the stage where they want to make the community and relevant stakeholders aware of some of the details, and get input from them. They hope to complete the expansion by 2021 and aim to be an accessible resource to anyone who is concerned with or has ideas about how they can improve the Flatiron District. To learn more about this exciting new development, click here!