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Flatiron Hot! News | February 23, 2025

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About Eric Shapiro

Eric Shapiro

Eric Shapiro

I am a lifelong New Yorker who spends a good portion of my time gorging on and regurgitating big meaty hunks of culture, musical and otherwise. I try my best to avoid the cliches that come along with wearing skinny jeans and flannel shirts in a cosmopolitan locale, but I'm writing for a website called Indie Shuffle, so it's probably useless. My life has its own personal soundtrack, but feel free to borrow a few tunes. Feedback is always welcome.

Posts By Eric Shapiro

Flatiron Hot! Q&A: Jazz Musician Matt Wilson

December 28, 2012 |

Fans of modern pop and rock music may tend to see the drummer as secondary to the rest of the band, but in the world of jazz, there are many exceptions to this “rule.” Case in point: Matt Wilson. A world-renowned musician, Wilson has played with many of the great jazz artists of the day (and a few from yesteryear).

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Flatiron Hot! Pundit: Don’t Ask Us to Pray For Sandy Hook Shooting Victims

December 28, 2012 |

The hearts of all compassionate Americans go out to the victims of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Our prayers, though, are a different matter.

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Flatiron Hot! Critic: Homeland Season 2 Review

December 28, 2012 |

At its best, Homeland mesmerized us by playing around with our expectations, the show’s writers always seeming to remain one step ahead of us, ready to unveil some new tidbit about Brody that would keep us guessing from week to week. The show knew how to mine narrative gold out of uncertainty and imply layers of character depth behind the twitch of a finger or the utterance of an Islamic prayer. Unfortunately, the latter half of season 2 has taken a much different approach, culminating in a competent but thoroughly underwhelming season finale.

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Upstairs at the Stand Comedy Club Serves up Weekend Brunch

December 28, 2012 |

Comedy clubs are not usually known for the quality of their food and beverages, but The Stand, located at 239 Third Avenue, is an exception to the rule, offering a diverse array of dining options at its restaurant, the aptly-named Upstairs at The Stand. We at Flatiron Hot! had a chance to sample some of the club’s dishes last week, and they tasted even better than they look. But don’t just take our word for it.

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Flatiron Hot! Pundit: The Case for Judicial Restraint on Gay Marriage

December 11, 2012 |

Proponents of marriage equality were understandably jubilant when the Supreme Court announced that it would rule on the legitimacy of same-sex nuptials. The willingness of the highest court in the land to take on gay marriage represents a victory for activists who have fought for years to acquire a right that all people should have: to enter into a culturally and legally-vital contract with a partner of their choice. Proposition 8 and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) are unconstitutional and immoral, and liberals are rightfully calling for the Supreme Court to recognize them as such.

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Flatiron Hot! Q&A Pt. 2: Screenwriter Jacob Krueger

December 9, 2012 |

In part 1 of his Q&A with Flatiron Hot! News, screenwriter Jacob Krueger discussed the current state of of the art form in movies and on TV. This time, he lays out the vision for screenwriting instruction that informs his prestigious workshops held at New York City Seminar and Conference Center (NYCSCC).

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Flatiron Hot! Q&A: Madison Square Park Christmas Tree Lighting

December 7, 2012 |

Flatiron Hot! had a chance to chat with Bertie Downs, one of the organizers of Madison Square Park‘s 10th annual Christmas tree lighting, just in time for the holiday season. It required more intense planning than one might think. While you’re at it, check out our video footage of the event, courtesy of Craig Fletcher.

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Audra Rox Plays at Holiday Tree Lighting in Madison Square Park (Video)

December 5, 2012 |

Check out our footage of Audra Rox performing at the Tree of Light ceremony in Madison Square Park (for those of us not in on the lingo, a holiday tree lighting). Guess Christmas just isn’t politically correct anymore. The folks … Read More

Flatiron Hot! Q&A: Jacob Krueger Talks Hollywood and the Art of Screenwriting

December 4, 2012 |

Flatiron Hot! recently had the privilege of sitting down with Jacob Krueger, the screenwriter responsible for critically-acclaimed drama The Matthew Shepard Story, to discuss a wide variety of topics ranging from the current state of Hollywood to Krueger’s unique approach to teaching screenwriting. In the interest of brevity, the latter part of the interview will be published on Thursday.

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Flatiron Hot! Critic – Theater Review: Richard Nelson’s “Sorry”

December 3, 2012 |

Flatiron Hot! recently had the opportunity to attend Sorry, the third installment in a trilogy of plays by Richard Nelson, which also includes That Hopey Changy Thing and Sweet and Sad. The production bears all the hallmarks of solid off-Broadway theater. It is well-written, competently acted, and witty, replete with literary, poetic and dramatic references. The Public Theater, located on 425 Lafayette Street, is ideal for a production of this sort. Spare, intimate and unfussy in its layout, the historic venue hearkens back to a time when theater was about the rapport between actors and audience, not the indulgent sets and flashy effects that define modern Broadway.

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