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Flatiron Hot! News | March 31, 2025

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About Eric Shapiro

Eric Shapiro

Eric Shapiro

I am a lifelong New Yorker who spends a good portion of my time gorging on and regurgitating big meaty hunks of culture, musical and otherwise. I try my best to avoid the cliches that come along with wearing skinny jeans and flannel shirts in a cosmopolitan locale, but I'm writing for a website called Indie Shuffle, so it's probably useless. My life has its own personal soundtrack, but feel free to borrow a few tunes. Feedback is always welcome.

Posts By Eric Shapiro

Renowned Historian Talks Anti-Semitism, Holocaust at Local Event

September 27, 2012 |

In a recent lecture at the Center for Jewish History at 15 West 16th Street, aptly (albeit long-windedly) titled “Anti-Semitism and Judaeophobia: A Critical Analysis of the Development in European Anti-Jewish Sentiment During the Interwar Period,” John Lukacs, 88, showed himself to be a historian in the truest sense of the word. Sponsored by the YIVO Center for Jewish Research, the talk was trim, concise, and focused, almost to a fault at times.

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Flatiron Hot! Pundit: The Campaign comes to the Flatiron! Jay-Z’ s 40/40 Club Hosting Obama Fundraiser …

September 18, 2012 |

Owing to the controversial Supreme Court decision Citizens United, which allows for wealthy individuals to make unlimited donations to shadowy entities known as “Super-Pacs,” Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has enjoyed a consistent fundraising advantage over President Barack Obama, whose anti-Wall Street rhetoric and center-left policy prescriptions have scared away many a hyper-ventilating plutocrat. That being said, the President has one thing on his side that his opponent does not: star power (unless you count Clint Eastwood’s infamous conversation with an empty chair at the Republican National Convention).

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Flatiron Hot! News: Our new mission statement and marching orders …

September 14, 2012 |

With social media and smartphone technology progressing at an astounding rate, individuals and businesses alike are becoming interconnected like never before. At FlatIron Hot! and its parent sponsor company, New York City Seminar and Conference Center (NYCSCC), we see these developments as a wonderful opportunity to communicate with clients in ways that would have been impossible a few years ago. Our main priority is and always will be to offer value space and a first-rate staff dedicated to ensuring that your events run smoothly from beginning to end.

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Chelsea Music Festival

June 15, 2012 |

Love music and hanging out in New York City with friends and family? Then attend Chelsea Music Festival 2012! The opening exhibit began on Thursday, June 14, and will run until June 25. If you missed it, you can still … Read More

Baby got moves

June 14, 2012 |

Baby Loves Disco is at Union Square, right now!! A new way to spice up your summer afternoon with your family and kids. Taking place in child-proof clubs featuring live DJs and 70s-80s music, it’s also providing various kinds of … Read More

Stay tuned … more to come from Flatiron Hot! …

May 31, 2012 |

Stay tuned for news and info about the happenings  in the Flatiron District … sponsored by the New York City Seminar and Conference Center, the Flatiron District’s Value Technology Conference Center …

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