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Flatiron Hot! News | February 23, 2025

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Pondering the Ethical, Legal and Practical Implications of the C.I.A. Drone War

February 7, 2013 |

Today’s tumultuous confirmation hearing for John O. Brennan, the Obama administration’s outgoing foreign policy adviser and current candidate to head the C.I.A., highlights a growing fault line among liberals, Democrats and progressive activist groups like Code Pink (and to a lesser extent, … Read More

War on Women: Why the GOP is Obsessed With Your Uterus

February 4, 2013 |

For those who think the Catholic Church and social conservatives’ objection to Obama’s new offer on birth control coverage is based on “conscience,” I have God’s first iteration of the Ten Commandments to sell you.

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Congressional Gun Control Hearing Reveals Folly of NRA and Red State Dems

January 30, 2013 |

Following the tragic Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, all the stars seemed to be in alignment for the implementation of common sense gun control. But you can always trust the Democratic Party to snatch at least a partial defeat from the jaws of victory.

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Superman at 75: Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster and the Jewish Roots of the Man of Steel at the Center for Jewish History

January 27, 2013 |

Did you know Superman was Jewish? Well, not quite, but his creators, comic book giants Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, certainly were, and they imbued the world’s first superhero with more than a little bit of Jewish identity.

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With Second Inaugural, President Obama Lays Out Broad Vision for Progressive Change in Second Term

January 22, 2013 |

Obama’s second inaugural address was, in turns, more modest and bolder than his first. On the one hand, gone were the calls for bipartisanship and, by implication, the idea that an opposition party dedicated solely to thwarting his aims can be counted on as a viable negotiating partner. Changing the political culture in Washington, it seems, is not within the power of the President. John F. Harris and Jonathan Martin of Politico point out that “Obama made no mention of transforming the political and governing process in his speech.”

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Furthering the Legacy: How President Obama Can Live up to MLK’s Dream in His Second Term

January 21, 2013 |

Despite the re-election of an African American president, it is ludicrous to claim Martin Luther King’s social philosophy, a historically-rooted mix of political and theological precepts that combines the best of the liberal American tradition with Ghandhian non-violence and civil disobedience, has been fully realized.

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Young Visionary Hatches Reading at Strand Bookstore feat. Ben Gibbard & Ron Currie, Jr.

January 11, 2013 |

The Strand Bookstore may be home to many old, musty works of literature, but walk inside and you’ll notice that it employs a whole lot of young people. Some of them are aspiring writers, while others simply relish the opportunity to work in one of New York City’s most eminent bookstores. Often, young people mean fresh ideas. Andrew Boye, currently a manager on the main floor, has worked at the Strand for three years. Recently, Andrew hatched the idea to host events combining book readings (a mainstay at the Strand for years) with other artistic mediums.

Boye’s idea came to fruition with last night’s event, featuring Ron Currie, Jr, the author of such acclaimed novels as God is Dead and Everything Matters and musician Benjamin Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie and The Postal Service. Flatiron Hot! News had a chance to talk to Andrew a few minutes before the event began. He and his colleague, Emily Simpson, along with event coordinator and author Jessica Strand, hope Wednesday’s pioneering artistic venture will be the first in a series of events  showcasing the ties between authors and their creative kin in other mediums.

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The Stand Comedy Club and Restaurant Hosts New Years Bash feat. Judah Friedlander

December 29, 2012 |

What better way to start off the New Year than with a hearty laugh, a good drink and a delicious meal? The Stand Restaurant and Comedy Club will provide all of that and more on New Years Eve. Come watch comedians Todd … Read More

Flatiron Hot! Pundit: Video Games Not to Blame for Sandy Hook Shooting

December 28, 2012 |

Gamers with any passing interest in politics were likely counting down the days (or, perhaps, hours) before pundits and politicians alike cited violent video games as a motivating factor behind the horrific Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, that left 26 dead, including 20 young children. Why? Because the killer, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, was known to play violent video games.

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Chelsea Music Festival

June 15, 2012 |

Love music and hanging out in New York City with friends and family? Then attend Chelsea Music Festival 2012! The opening exhibit began on Thursday, June 14, and will run until June 25. If you missed it, you can still … Read More